Jumat, 29 Maret 2013


                    Lavender or lavender or Lavandula are a genus of flowering plants in the tribe Lamiaceae which has 25-30 species. This plant origin is from the southern region of the Mediterranean to the African tropics and eastward to India . This genus of plants, including perennials, plants of the types of grasses , short shrubs, and bushes small. This plant also spreads in the Canary Islands , Africa North and East, Europe south (mainly French south), Arabia , and India . Because it has grown and developed in parks around the world, this plant is often found growing wild in areas outside their home areas.

LAVENDER? Wow, very fragrant purple flowers. His Latin name Lavandula afficinalis syn.L. angustifolia (Lamiaceae) form the tree-like grass. Then there is a mention of the Purple, Grass Giants. But there is also a call the weeds. These plants come from Europe, precisely in the area of ​​France. He was used as a perfume. Supplies religious ceremony (ritual) and medicinal plant since ancient Roman times.

Romans called Lavender as lavare which means 'washing' or 'refreshing'. Because they feel that they Lavender flower scent refreshes the brain and purify the soul.These scents derived from oils (extracts) Lavender flowers. Which, for the oil to be used as a perfume, ointments, potions to shower and drugs. Because Lavender many benefits, so he dubbed The Purple Magic and have high sales value.


Latin name Lavandula Lavender flowers afficinalis syn.L. angustifolia (Lamiaceae), are small and purple, lavender flowers that sighting. These plants come from Europe, precisely in the area of ​​France. It is used as a perfume. Supplies religious ceremony (ritual) and medicinal plant since ancient Roman times. Lavender flowers designation for the roma is lavare which means refreshing.

It grows well at an altitude of 600 -1350 m above sea level where the higher it grows, the better the quality of the oil it produces. Propagation is usually by using a lavender plant seeds. The seeds are old and healthy in-germinating. When you've grown, transferred to a polybag. When the height reaches 15-20 cm, can be transplanted into pots or planted in the yard. This interesting purple color can be rubbed into the skin, in addition to the scent, you will avoid mosquito bites.

While the main composition in lavender oil are linalool acetate that is able to loosen up and relaxes the working system nerve fibers and the muscles are tense. Because of these properties of lavender are often used as mosquito lotions, aromatherapy, perfumes, ointments, potions to shower and drugs.

For planting lavender flowers as very easy and cheap, live scattered the seeds of old, there is growing her. The price is also affordable, you know, it costs about 5-7 thousand rupiah per plastic bag size 3 x 5 cm, approximately 30-50 contents lavender seeds ready for planting and easily available too, of course, just buy the same aja brother florist who is usually perched on the edge Street.

Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Flora Indonesia

The flora in Indonesia consists of many unique varieties of tropical plants. Blessed with a tropical climate and around 18,000 islands, Indonesia is a nation with the second largest biodiversity in the world. The flora of Indonesia reflects an intermingling of Asian, Australian and the native species. This is due to the geography of Indonesia, located between two continents. The archipelago consists of a variety of regions from the tropical rain forests of the northern lowlands and the seasonal forests of the southern lowlands through the hill and mountain vegetation, to sub-alpine shrub vegetation. Having the second longest shoreline in the world, Indonesia also has many regions of swamps and coastal vegetation. Combined together, these all give rise to a huge vegetational biodiversity.

There are about 28,000 species of flowering plants in Indonesia, consisting 2,500 different kinds of orchids, 6,000 traditional medicinal plants used as jamu, 122 species of bamboo, over 350 species of rattan and 400 species of Dipterocarpus, including ebony, sandalwood and teakwood. Indonesia is also home to some unusual species such as carnivorous plants. One exceptional species is known as Rafflesia arnoldi, named after Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles and Dr. Arnold, who discovered the flower in the depths of Bengkulu, southwest Sumatra. This parasitic plant has a large flower, does not produce leaves and grow on a certain liana on the rain forest floor. Another unusual plant is Amorphophallus titanum from Sumatra. Numerous species of insect trapping pitcher plants can also be found in Borneo, Sumatra, and other islands of the Indonesian archipelago.

According to the Conservation International, there are two biodiversity hotspots in Indonesia: Wallacea and Sundaland. The provinces of West Papua and Papua are also extremely biodiverse. Lorentz National Park, located in the province of Papua, was declared a World Heritage Site in 1999 by UNESCO.

Wallacea represents the biogeographical transitional zone between the Sundaland to the west and the Australasian zone to the east. This zone covers of about 338 494 km² land area in total, divided in multiple small islands. Due to its distinct and varied geography this region contains many endemic and unique species of flora and fauna and has been divided into a number of distinct ecoregions; the mountain and lowland areas of Sulawesi, North Maluku, Buru and Seram in Maluku, the Lesser Sunda Islands (with Sumba a distinct ecoregion in its own right), Timor, and the islands in the Banda Sea.


Sundaland, which is located on the west part of the Indonesian archipelago, holds about 25,000 different species of plants. 15,000 of them are endemic to this region and cannot be found anywhere else. Scyphostegiaceae is a plant family represented by a single species, Scyphostegia borneensis, which is endemic to Borneo. Another 155 species of Dipterocarpus are also endemic to this island. Borneo also has more than 2,000 species of orchids. The forests in Sumatra include more than 100 species of Dipterocarpus, nearly a dozen of them are endemic to this island. The island Java has about 270 endemic orchid species.

At least 117 plant genera are endemic in this biodiversity hotspot. 59 of them are found in Borneo and 17 in Sumatra. Unique plants from this region are similar to ones from the Asian continent, mentioning Rafflesia arnoldii, the pitcher plants and Javanese Edelweiss (Anaphalis javanica) as examples.


It is estimated, that there are about 10,000 species of plants in this biodiversity hotspot region. The island of Sulawesi has about 500 endemic plant species. The islands of Moluccas have about 300 endemic plant species and the Lesser Sunda Islands consist of at least 120 endemic plant species. Little is known about the flora of this region. Three of these unique species, Agathis, Pterocarpus indicus, and Eucalyptus deglupta, are mentioned as examples.

West Papua and Papua

The flora of this region has somewhat the influence of the Australian continent. This region contain a continuous transect from snow cap mountains, lowland wetlands to tropical marine environment. This is the perfect place for such a huge number of diverse plant species. It has been estimated that Papua and west Papua may contain from 20,000 to 25,000 species of vascular plants. An astonishing 60-90% of them may be endemic to this region. This region has been poorly explored so the actual number of endemic species is unknown.