Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Air Mata Pengantin Flowers

Flowers antigonon ( Antigonon ) became one of the plants flower vines (lianas) were wonderful. Plant antigonon became one outdoor ornamental plants stubborn, easy to grow and maintain. Although not native to Indonesia, flowers antigonon ( Antigonon ) easily found in Indonesia.

Antigonon is the name of the family Polygonaceae genus of three species. The Latin name of the interest of the individual is Antigonon flavescens , A. guatemalense, and A. leptopus . In English, this plant is known by several designations including the Coral vine, Coralina, and Bellisima grande. In Indonesia called antigonon flowers or flower bride.

Flowering plants not native Indonesia. Antigonon comes from Mexico and has been introduced to various parts of the Americas, Southeast Asia, and India. Log into Indonesia brought by the Dutch government and used as an ornamental plant in the garden and yard.Now, interest antigonon been widely bred in Indonesia.The most common type found in Indonesia is Antigonon leptopus .

Feature Description and characteristics Flower Bride's Tears

Antigonon flowers are vines (lianas). Antigonon ribbed rod with a length of about 3-6 cm each rib. The rod has a soft fur and bulging rib segments. In the trunk there is also a pembelit tool that serves to 'twisted' trees that support the establishment of plant propagation.

The leaves are heart-shaped, green and wavy leaf surface (not flat). Antigonon leaf length between 5-10 cm. Compound interest are arranged in panicles and grow from the armpit leaves. Antigonon corolla consists of 5 pieces of pink or white, which each have a length of about 7 mm. Forms three outer petals ovate or resembling a heart, being the form of two crowns deeper more pointed. After all bloom crown, the crown will grow and envelop the fruit. The fruit is like a membrane with a greenish tint.

As a creeping liana plants, flowers antigonon often found climbing on other trees. Meanwhile, if developed as an ornamental plant in the garden or in the garden, these flowers can be propagated on a fence or other propagation medium. The flowering plant is never a favorite plant for dirambatkan the pergola that also functions as a shade.

In addition, as an ornamental plant, flower turns antigonon or Antigonon also have benefits as a medicinal plant herbs. These herbs have properties as antidiabetic and antithrombin. It also has the ability as a hepatoprotective that can protect the liver damage.How utilization is to extract the roots and rhizomes antigonon.

Scientific classification Tears Bride . Kingdom: Plantae. Phylum: Tracheophyta. Class: Magnoliopsida.Order: polygonales . Family: Polygonaceae . Genus:Antigonon . Species: Antigonon flavescens ,  Antigononguatemalense , and  Antigonon leptopus .

Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Edelweiss Java

Edelweiss (sometimes written eidelweis) or Edelweiss Java (Javanese edelweiss), also known as the Bunga Abadi Anaphalis javanica has a Latin name, is a plant endemic zones alpina / montana in various high mountains of Indonesia. This plant can reach a maximum height of 8 m with a trunk reaching for the human foot, although generally not exceed 1 m. Plants that flower often seen as a symbol of love, sincerity, sacrifice, and eternity is now categorized as rare plants. Edelweiss is also a pioneer plant for young volcanic soils in mountain forests and able to maintain its existence in a barren land, being able to form mycorrhizae with certain soil fungi that effectively expand the area covered by the roots and increase efficiency in the search for nutrients.

At the summit of Mount Gede, Edelweiss flower (Leontopodium alpinum) can be found. This flower is white-greenish-gray. They grow to form a small hedge in permukanan ground. When picked and stored in a dry place and room temperature, this rate will not change color as if he were still alive and everlasting. This is the specialty so that he often became a symbol of love for a teenage boy to his girlfriend.

The leaves are long, thin and hairy, and the center of the orange flowers and flower heads that resemble daisies. Edelweiss flower could reach more than 100 years old, that's called eternal flowers.These types of pioneer plants strong and started inhabiting the barren slopes by fire. Edelweiss suitable to grow in the heat conditions in open areas in the crater and the summit, can not compete to grow in dark and humid forest.

The flowers are very favored by the insect, more than 300 kinds of insects such as fleas, tirip, butterflies, flies, wasps and bees seen visiting. If the plant is allowed to grow branch branches sturdy enough, edelweiss can become nesting places for birds Tiung Myophonus glaucinus sly stone.
Edelweiss parts often are picked and brought down from the mountains for reasons of aesthetic and spiritual, or just a memento by the climbers. Within certain limits and along the only pieces - small pieces that are picked, this pressure can be faced.Unfortunately greed and false hopes have been sacrificed many populations, especially populations located in the paths.

The research has been done rshows that edelweiss can bepropagated easily by cutting the branches. Therefore, the pieces may be sold to visitors to reduce pressure on wild populations.

This flower is white average gray-green and yellowish white. Many say that there edelweiss purple, blue, and red. The truth is still a mystery. This flower grows to form a small hedge in permukanan ground. When picked and stored in a dry place and room temperature, this rate will not change color as if he were still alive and everlasting. This is the specialty so that he often became a symbol of love for a teenage boy terdadap lover. It is also likely to provoke the climbers to pick and bring him home. This flower will not wilt if it is picked, but this interest will only be dry.

Edelweiss flower (Leontopodium alpinum) are often mentioned as a perennial flower growing in the open and humid contained in a particular mountain peak or slope, such as Mount Gede, Malabar, Papandayan, Cikurai, Guntur, etc.. In botany, flowers are formed naturally from the heap humus and requires at least five years to grow and bloom.