Kamis, 14 Februari 2013


Moon Orchid or Anggrek Bulan  is the one of exotic flower from Indonesia. Moon Orchid  is one of Indonesia's national flower called "Puspa Pesona". "Anggrek Bulan" or or "Puspa Pesona" included into the Phalaenopsis species. First time for flower discovered by a Dutch botanistDr. C.L. Blume. In the world have at least 60 kinds (species) of Phalaenopsis, with about 140 varieties of which there are 60 varieties Moon Orchid in Indonesia.

Moon orchid is widespread ranging from Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua new guinea, to Australia. The way of life Moon orchid as an Epiphytewith a stick on the trunk or branches of trees in tropical forests.  The moluccas is the first discovered for moon orchid  in Indonesia. Moon orchid has several regional names such as "Anggrek Menur (Java)", "Anggrek Wulan" (Java and Bali) and "Anggrek Terbang" (Maluku) .

The Government of Indonesian Republic to set the orchid flower charm accompanied Jasmine and a giant lotus (flower rare)  by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia number 4 Year 1993.

Orchid months included in the monopodial orchid plants that enjoy a little sun to support life. Moon orchid leaves are green with elongated shape. Moon orchid roots are white and round and elongated fleshy feel. The flowers have a slight fragrance and have long bloom time and can grow up to 10 cm in diameter.

Moon orchid have wide petals and graceful, includes an easy to care for orchid plants and diligent flowering. All flower of the flower is  growing from the stem from the bottom.

With proper care of orchids in highly resistant and not easily fade. From the flower stems have fallen flowers, fresh flowers can grow new branches. As indoor house plants, Moon orchids is very charming nature make fresh room .

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