Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Tiger Orchid, The Beauty of Papua

Indonesia was heaven on earth. Perhaps that opinion was not mistaken. Just look at the wonderful nature with abundant resources, a tremendous wealth. We should be grateful for that.One of them, Indonesia's forests rich in various types of orchids pretty remarkable. One of them is the tiger orchid ( Grammatophyllum Scriptum ) found many in Papua.

Grammatophyllum Scriptum is  a species  of orchids  of  the family Orchidaceae . Basic strands of colored flowers and mottled yellowish-brown spots. Because the motive mottled-spotted orchid that is often called the tiger orchid. There is also a strand of colored flowers green base. The orchid is not too large, long sepalnya only approx 3 cm.

Grammatophylum scriptum mostly from coastal forest, with a height of no more than 100 m above sea level. There is growing on the ground, nothing sticks in the trees. In maintenance, this kind of like heat and water, but do not let stagnant. So, as much as possible, put this orchid in a place exposed to direct sunlight. Type of planting medium that can be used to grow orchids are ferns or charcoal. Wreaths long, dangling bawah.Oleh Therefore, tiger orchid is best planted in crates and hung or attached to a tree branch.

Tiger orchid has a short pseudo bulbs. The leaf blade grows over this pseudo bulbs. In ancient times the natives Ambon make a paste of artificial orchid tubers to treat wounds.

Tiger orchid in Indonesia are in Papua, Sulawesi, Maluku and East Nusa Tenggara. In Indonesia, at least three kinds of tiger orchid found. All three are different in terms of color, pattern, and spacing antarkuntum flowers. Tiger orchid bouquets of Papua has long, can reach 1.5-2 meters, a distance of flowers with each other closely enough. These orchids usually bloom once a year, but some are flowering twice a year.Flowers last quite a long time, until about two months. Appearance tiger orchid flowers originating from Tual islands is similar to that from Papua.However, shorter flower stalk, between 1 / 3-1 / 2 of the stalk tiger orchid Papua. Flowering period is not too long and quickly formed flower seeds. Tiger orchid is found also in Ternate and Flores. Appearance interest similar to that of Papua, but the distance is not meeting flowers.There is more to come from Sulawesi and Ambon, but the color of the flower is more faded.

In the Philippines were also found Gramatophyllum scriptum . There are brown plain, there are green and small-sized by the number of lots and the florets within the meeting. Tiger orchid spread also in the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and Fiji Islands and Santa Cruz.

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