Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Rafflesia Arnoldii

Rafflesia arnoldii is a parasitic plant, without roots or leaves. The main body of the plant resides inside the host plant. The only visible parts are the flowers, which burst through the host plant’s bark as compact buds, and later the fruits. The flowers are up to 1 m in diameter, and their flesh is reddish-brown with white spots. Each flower is either male or female and consists of five lobes inserted on a cup-like structure. In the centre of the cup is a column with a disk. The anthers (male parts) or styles (female parts) are situated underneath the disk. The fruits are berries with minute seeds.

It is likely that only damaged roots or stems of a new host can be infected by seedlings of Rafflesia. The foetid smell of the flowers attracts carrion-flies (of the genera Lucilia and Sarcophaga). The pollen adheres to the backs of the flies, which do not seem to receive any reward from the plant.

Two varieties are known, the more common being R. arnoldii var. arnoldiifrom Sumatra and Borneo, the other one being R. arnoldii var. atjehensiswhich is only known from north Sumatra. The main difference between the two is that the central disk (or ramenta) is partly missing at the base of the central column in R. arnoldii var. atjehensis.

A race for discovery

The first botanist to find a specimen of a Rafflesia was the French explorer Louis Auguste Deschamps (1765-1842). He was a member of a French scientific expedition to Asia and the Pacific. During the expedition he spent three years on Java, where in 1797 he collected a specimen of what is now known as R. patma. During the return voyage in 1798, his ship was taken by the British, with whom France was at war, and all his papers and notes were confiscated. They did not see the light of day until 1954 when they were rediscovered in the Natural History Museum, London.

The British botanist Joseph Arnold (1782-1818) and the statesman Sir Thomas Stamford Bingley Raffles (1781-1826, founder of modern Singapore) collected a specimen of another Rafflesia species found by a Malay servant in Sumatra in 1818. Arnold contracted a fever and died soon after the discovery. Lady Raffles, who had also been present when the specimen was collected, finished the colour drawing that Arnold had started of the plant, and it was sent to Joseph Banks, along with the preserved material. Banks passed all the materials on to Robert Brown (1773-1858) of the British Museum and Kew's resident botanical artist Franz Bauer (1758-1840).

William Jack (1795-1822) who was Arnold’s successor in Sumatra, being aware that Deschamps, despite his loss of notes, could formally publish a name for the newly discovered genus at any moment, rushed to draft a description to ensure the credit went to a British botanist. This draft description was held in readiness, in case there was word that the French were about to publish, whilst waiting for the British Museum to produce a better-prepared version.

The generic name, Rafflesia (given i n honour of Sir Raffles), proposed by Brown (who had originally wanted to call it Arnoldii) after Joseph Arnold, was validated by S.F. Gray in his report of the June 1820 meeting of the Linnean Society of London, as published in the Annals of Philosophy in September that year. While the species Rafflesia arnoldii was officially described for the first time in 1821 by Brown, so that Arnold was commemorated after all.

Threats and conservation

Many sites where Rafflesia grows are now popular with tourists, who provide an income for local people and also an incentive to preserve the species. Unfortunately, as a result of this ecotourism and the resulting human disturbance, the number of flower buds produced per year has decreased significantly at many sites.

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Tiger Orchid, The Beauty of Papua

Indonesia was heaven on earth. Perhaps that opinion was not mistaken. Just look at the wonderful nature with abundant resources, a tremendous wealth. We should be grateful for that.One of them, Indonesia's forests rich in various types of orchids pretty remarkable. One of them is the tiger orchid ( Grammatophyllum Scriptum ) found many in Papua.

Grammatophyllum Scriptum is  a species  of orchids  of  the family Orchidaceae . Basic strands of colored flowers and mottled yellowish-brown spots. Because the motive mottled-spotted orchid that is often called the tiger orchid. There is also a strand of colored flowers green base. The orchid is not too large, long sepalnya only approx 3 cm.

Grammatophylum scriptum mostly from coastal forest, with a height of no more than 100 m above sea level. There is growing on the ground, nothing sticks in the trees. In maintenance, this kind of like heat and water, but do not let stagnant. So, as much as possible, put this orchid in a place exposed to direct sunlight. Type of planting medium that can be used to grow orchids are ferns or charcoal. Wreaths long, dangling bawah.Oleh Therefore, tiger orchid is best planted in crates and hung or attached to a tree branch.

Tiger orchid has a short pseudo bulbs. The leaf blade grows over this pseudo bulbs. In ancient times the natives Ambon make a paste of artificial orchid tubers to treat wounds.

Tiger orchid in Indonesia are in Papua, Sulawesi, Maluku and East Nusa Tenggara. In Indonesia, at least three kinds of tiger orchid found. All three are different in terms of color, pattern, and spacing antarkuntum flowers. Tiger orchid bouquets of Papua has long, can reach 1.5-2 meters, a distance of flowers with each other closely enough. These orchids usually bloom once a year, but some are flowering twice a year.Flowers last quite a long time, until about two months. Appearance tiger orchid flowers originating from Tual islands is similar to that from Papua.However, shorter flower stalk, between 1 / 3-1 / 2 of the stalk tiger orchid Papua. Flowering period is not too long and quickly formed flower seeds. Tiger orchid is found also in Ternate and Flores. Appearance interest similar to that of Papua, but the distance is not meeting flowers.There is more to come from Sulawesi and Ambon, but the color of the flower is more faded.

In the Philippines were also found Gramatophyllum scriptum . There are brown plain, there are green and small-sized by the number of lots and the florets within the meeting. Tiger orchid spread also in the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and Fiji Islands and Santa Cruz.

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Eboni. The Black Sweet.

He was tall and lanky, like fairy fashion on the catwalk. Pembawaanya shade. Some white flowers Decorate the upper part of his body. Her dark brown skin looks beautiful, sparkling in the sunlight exposure. Her presence seemed always anticipated by the general public. He was the idol of the heart ebony.

The author had met him several times and asked him to take pictures together. However, dear dear thousand, the ebony originating from ebenaceae familia is in fact not a girl. He is simply the name of a type of tree, favorite artists and creators of luxury furniture.

Figure 1. Stand ebony tree in the Garden (middle). Source: personal documentation.

Ebony Diospyros celebica or also known as ebony, Macassar ebony, Coromandel ebony, streaked ebony and black ebony, is a kind of wood production with features such as a layer cake, black and yellow are naturally found only in Sulawesi (endemic). Stems grow tall and straight with a height can reach 40 m. Rod underneath can reach diameters of 1 meter and are often equipped with board roots (buttresses) were great.

Figure 2. The bark is dark wood. Source: personal documentation.

Grooved bark, peel small brown and black. Pepagannya brown and the inside is white yellowish.

Figure 3. Leaves ebony. Source: personal documentation.

Single leaf, arranged alternate, elliptic elongated, with pointed tip, the top surface shiny, leathery and dark green, hairy beneath the surface of the green and gray. The upper surface of leaves are not hairy and dark green.

Figure 4. Leaf ebony (bottom side). Source: personal documentation.

The flowers are clustered in axillary, white. The fruit is oval, hairy and red colored yellow to brown when older. The flesh is whitish often eaten by monkeys, squirrels and bats; which thus acts as an agent pemencar seed. The fruit is oval, hairy and red colored yellow to brown when older. The seeds are shaped like an elongated wedge blackish brown.

Figure 5. Fruit ebony. Source: personal documentation.

This species can be found in primary forests on clay, sand or rocky soil that has good drainage, at an altitude of less than 400 m. Ebony also like topography hilly area with steep slopes.

Ebony produce very good quality wood. Dark brown wood color, black, or black striped reddish. Sapwood is white to pink and wooden porch black or brown vang black rows. This wood is very heavy, with a specific gravity of 0.76; class durability and strength is classified in class one. Ebony including heavy wood with a density exceeding water, so it can not float.

Figure 6. The texture of black wood is very beautiful. Source: Wikipedia Indonesia.
Eboni known to have a very slow growth. In its natural habitat, wood texture colored striped brown and yellow with motifs known to be very beautiful, will be formed after the tree reaches the age of about 60-80 years.

As a result of a very massive logging in the 1970s, this time with the tree population aged above 50 years are very rare. Along with more demand, the price of black wood is also becoming soar. Price per cubic meter of ebony best quality in the UK can reach tens of millions of rupiah.

Because the quality is very good, this wood including wood exports are very expensive and mempunvai many uses including for pole bridge, veneer of luxury, furniture, sculptures, carvings, home decoration, musical instruments (eg, guitar and piano), sticks and boxes jewelry.

In Indonesia, known as the ebony black wood. Other names are wood Itam, toetandu, sora, lotong wood, and wood maitong. Ebony is the identity of the flora of Central Sulawesi.

Rabu, 04 September 2013

Tuberose / Sundal Malam

Latin name: Polianthes tuberosa.

This flower is made popular in Malaysia by Suhaimi Baba's Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam a story about a vampire whose favourite flower is the tuberose. I have two pots at home. Its especially fragrant in the night hence the name Sundal Malam. Its leaves look like lemon grass- a bit waxy though not as sharp. I would love to plant them in the ground but afraid someone would mow them... yelah looking a bit like lalang. You plant them from bulb.

In Indonesia it is called "bunga sedap malam", meaning fragrant night flower. In Persian, it is called "Maryam" .

MMmm incidently the movie the vampire's name is Maryam. The tuberose is also used traditionally in Hawaii to create Leis and was considered a funeral flower in Victorian times. Its scent is described as a complex, exotic, sweet, floral. The scent of the flower is a fusion of white petals and warm skin, an arresting sensual and heady fragrance.

Its white flowers contain anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.The legend of the tuberose in France warns that young girls should not breathe in its fragrance after dark for fear that it would put them in a romantic mood.

Its East Indian name is "Rajnigandha", though it is sometimes mistakenly referred to as "Raat ki Rani" ("Queen of the Night"), which is reallyCestrum nocturnum. In Ayurvedic medicine, attars are held in high esteem not only for their exquisite fragrance, but their healing properties. Tuberose is known to improve one’s capacity for emotional depth, opening the crown chakra, improves psychic powers. Tuberose also amplifies artistic inspiration as it stimulates the creative right side of the brain. And it brings serenity to the mind and heart.

Like most night blooming flowers, tuberose is pollinated by nocturnal moths, which explains the white shade of the flowers. Like jasmine, tuberose continues to produce its scent even after the flower is picked, thus, lending itself as a perfect candidate to the traditional painstaking enfleurage method.

Steam distillation with its high temperature is not a feasible way to extract the absolute. While enfleurage is a traditional method traced back to Ancient Egypt, solvent extraction using hexane is far more common. Either method is time consuming, requiring 3600 pounds of blossoms to produce 1 pound of the absolute, which is why tuberose oil is among the most expensive , more expensive than rose, in perfumery, more than $2,000 per pound.

Perfumes dominated by tuberose: Robert Piquet Fracas, Chanel Gardénia, Guerlain Jardins de Bagatelle, Guerlain Mahora, Chloé, Christian Dior Poison, Givenchy Amarige, White Shoulders, Maître Parfumeur et Gantier Jardin Blanc, L’Artisan Parfumeur La Chasse Aux Papillons, Parfums de Nicolaï Number One, Les Parfums de Rosine Mea Culpa, Creed Tubereuse Indiana, Annick Goutal Gardenia Passion, Estee Lauder's Private Collection Tuberose Gardenia.

Additional fragrances containing tuberose: Guerlain L’Heure Bleue, Jean Patou Joy, Balmain Jolie Madame, Hermès Amazone, Lancôme Magie Noire, Caron Nocturnes, Givenchy Organza, Rochas Poupee, Lanvin Arpège.

Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

Iron Wood (Ulin Wood)

Iron Wood (Ulin Wood) is one of the typical types of wood from one of the islands in Indonesia, namely the island of Borneo. Wood that has commercial value quite well in this market (see list of commercial timber species) have characteristics brown yellow or brown there is also a gray-black on the wooden surface of the terrace. While the sapwood yellow brown.Between the porch and the pig looks clear boundaries. (Read terms and patio timber sapwood).ironwoodimages of http://iklanabc.comActually, other than in Borneo, Ironwood can also be found on other islands in Indonesia, namely on the island of Sumatra (South Sumatra).Only, perhaps the popularity of the island of Sumatra as a producer of iron wood still lost by Kalimantan. Because, in Borneo is much easier to find this timber than in Sumatra or in other words it place an iron timber. That's why people who know a lot more if it is wood, iron wood typical of Kalimantan.
Wood is also known as ironwood has very good resistance level. According alerts, wood is classified as the type of wood that has a durability class 1 and class 1 level of strength as well. That means the wood is really durable and strong.ironwoodimages of is quite special, iron wood is very resistant to changes in temperature, humidity and seawater influence. Therefore, people often use them in the manufacture of various kinds of heavy construction that requires quality raw materials with the level of durability and excellent strength as in the manufacture of building under water, docks, bridges, utility poles, railway sleepers and various other heavy construction.
However, in the furniture industry, including ironwood tree species are not recommended if used to make furniture. For although this could ironwood sawed and cut, but the level of violence is very hard wood, will be very difficult if further processing later. Especially if it is used to make furniture combined with ornamental carvings, it would be more difficult and the final results obtained will not be maximized. In addition, the use of wood to make furnitre iron can also cause production costs to be more expensive than usual, because the machine or woodworking tools easily worn and dull or even break even so it takes more to the cost of care.

Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Air Mata Pengantin Flowers

Flowers antigonon ( Antigonon ) became one of the plants flower vines (lianas) were wonderful. Plant antigonon became one outdoor ornamental plants stubborn, easy to grow and maintain. Although not native to Indonesia, flowers antigonon ( Antigonon ) easily found in Indonesia.

Antigonon is the name of the family Polygonaceae genus of three species. The Latin name of the interest of the individual is Antigonon flavescens , A. guatemalense, and A. leptopus . In English, this plant is known by several designations including the Coral vine, Coralina, and Bellisima grande. In Indonesia called antigonon flowers or flower bride.

Flowering plants not native Indonesia. Antigonon comes from Mexico and has been introduced to various parts of the Americas, Southeast Asia, and India. Log into Indonesia brought by the Dutch government and used as an ornamental plant in the garden and yard.Now, interest antigonon been widely bred in Indonesia.The most common type found in Indonesia is Antigonon leptopus .

Feature Description and characteristics Flower Bride's Tears

Antigonon flowers are vines (lianas). Antigonon ribbed rod with a length of about 3-6 cm each rib. The rod has a soft fur and bulging rib segments. In the trunk there is also a pembelit tool that serves to 'twisted' trees that support the establishment of plant propagation.

The leaves are heart-shaped, green and wavy leaf surface (not flat). Antigonon leaf length between 5-10 cm. Compound interest are arranged in panicles and grow from the armpit leaves. Antigonon corolla consists of 5 pieces of pink or white, which each have a length of about 7 mm. Forms three outer petals ovate or resembling a heart, being the form of two crowns deeper more pointed. After all bloom crown, the crown will grow and envelop the fruit. The fruit is like a membrane with a greenish tint.

As a creeping liana plants, flowers antigonon often found climbing on other trees. Meanwhile, if developed as an ornamental plant in the garden or in the garden, these flowers can be propagated on a fence or other propagation medium. The flowering plant is never a favorite plant for dirambatkan the pergola that also functions as a shade.

In addition, as an ornamental plant, flower turns antigonon or Antigonon also have benefits as a medicinal plant herbs. These herbs have properties as antidiabetic and antithrombin. It also has the ability as a hepatoprotective that can protect the liver damage.How utilization is to extract the roots and rhizomes antigonon.

Scientific classification Tears Bride . Kingdom: Plantae. Phylum: Tracheophyta. Class: Magnoliopsida.Order: polygonales . Family: Polygonaceae . Genus:Antigonon . Species: Antigonon flavescens ,  Antigononguatemalense , and  Antigonon leptopus .

Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Edelweiss Java

Edelweiss (sometimes written eidelweis) or Edelweiss Java (Javanese edelweiss), also known as the Bunga Abadi Anaphalis javanica has a Latin name, is a plant endemic zones alpina / montana in various high mountains of Indonesia. This plant can reach a maximum height of 8 m with a trunk reaching for the human foot, although generally not exceed 1 m. Plants that flower often seen as a symbol of love, sincerity, sacrifice, and eternity is now categorized as rare plants. Edelweiss is also a pioneer plant for young volcanic soils in mountain forests and able to maintain its existence in a barren land, being able to form mycorrhizae with certain soil fungi that effectively expand the area covered by the roots and increase efficiency in the search for nutrients.

At the summit of Mount Gede, Edelweiss flower (Leontopodium alpinum) can be found. This flower is white-greenish-gray. They grow to form a small hedge in permukanan ground. When picked and stored in a dry place and room temperature, this rate will not change color as if he were still alive and everlasting. This is the specialty so that he often became a symbol of love for a teenage boy to his girlfriend.

The leaves are long, thin and hairy, and the center of the orange flowers and flower heads that resemble daisies. Edelweiss flower could reach more than 100 years old, that's called eternal flowers.These types of pioneer plants strong and started inhabiting the barren slopes by fire. Edelweiss suitable to grow in the heat conditions in open areas in the crater and the summit, can not compete to grow in dark and humid forest.

The flowers are very favored by the insect, more than 300 kinds of insects such as fleas, tirip, butterflies, flies, wasps and bees seen visiting. If the plant is allowed to grow branch branches sturdy enough, edelweiss can become nesting places for birds Tiung Myophonus glaucinus sly stone.
Edelweiss parts often are picked and brought down from the mountains for reasons of aesthetic and spiritual, or just a memento by the climbers. Within certain limits and along the only pieces - small pieces that are picked, this pressure can be faced.Unfortunately greed and false hopes have been sacrificed many populations, especially populations located in the paths.

The research has been done rshows that edelweiss can bepropagated easily by cutting the branches. Therefore, the pieces may be sold to visitors to reduce pressure on wild populations.

This flower is white average gray-green and yellowish white. Many say that there edelweiss purple, blue, and red. The truth is still a mystery. This flower grows to form a small hedge in permukanan ground. When picked and stored in a dry place and room temperature, this rate will not change color as if he were still alive and everlasting. This is the specialty so that he often became a symbol of love for a teenage boy terdadap lover. It is also likely to provoke the climbers to pick and bring him home. This flower will not wilt if it is picked, but this interest will only be dry.

Edelweiss flower (Leontopodium alpinum) are often mentioned as a perennial flower growing in the open and humid contained in a particular mountain peak or slope, such as Mount Gede, Malabar, Papandayan, Cikurai, Guntur, etc.. In botany, flowers are formed naturally from the heap humus and requires at least five years to grow and bloom.

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013


                    Lavender or lavender or Lavandula are a genus of flowering plants in the tribe Lamiaceae which has 25-30 species. This plant origin is from the southern region of the Mediterranean to the African tropics and eastward to India . This genus of plants, including perennials, plants of the types of grasses , short shrubs, and bushes small. This plant also spreads in the Canary Islands , Africa North and East, Europe south (mainly French south), Arabia , and India . Because it has grown and developed in parks around the world, this plant is often found growing wild in areas outside their home areas.

LAVENDER? Wow, very fragrant purple flowers. His Latin name Lavandula afficinalis syn.L. angustifolia (Lamiaceae) form the tree-like grass. Then there is a mention of the Purple, Grass Giants. But there is also a call the weeds. These plants come from Europe, precisely in the area of ​​France. He was used as a perfume. Supplies religious ceremony (ritual) and medicinal plant since ancient Roman times.

Romans called Lavender as lavare which means 'washing' or 'refreshing'. Because they feel that they Lavender flower scent refreshes the brain and purify the soul.These scents derived from oils (extracts) Lavender flowers. Which, for the oil to be used as a perfume, ointments, potions to shower and drugs. Because Lavender many benefits, so he dubbed The Purple Magic and have high sales value.


Latin name Lavandula Lavender flowers afficinalis syn.L. angustifolia (Lamiaceae), are small and purple, lavender flowers that sighting. These plants come from Europe, precisely in the area of ​​France. It is used as a perfume. Supplies religious ceremony (ritual) and medicinal plant since ancient Roman times. Lavender flowers designation for the roma is lavare which means refreshing.

It grows well at an altitude of 600 -1350 m above sea level where the higher it grows, the better the quality of the oil it produces. Propagation is usually by using a lavender plant seeds. The seeds are old and healthy in-germinating. When you've grown, transferred to a polybag. When the height reaches 15-20 cm, can be transplanted into pots or planted in the yard. This interesting purple color can be rubbed into the skin, in addition to the scent, you will avoid mosquito bites.

While the main composition in lavender oil are linalool acetate that is able to loosen up and relaxes the working system nerve fibers and the muscles are tense. Because of these properties of lavender are often used as mosquito lotions, aromatherapy, perfumes, ointments, potions to shower and drugs.

For planting lavender flowers as very easy and cheap, live scattered the seeds of old, there is growing her. The price is also affordable, you know, it costs about 5-7 thousand rupiah per plastic bag size 3 x 5 cm, approximately 30-50 contents lavender seeds ready for planting and easily available too, of course, just buy the same aja brother florist who is usually perched on the edge Street.

Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Flora Indonesia

The flora in Indonesia consists of many unique varieties of tropical plants. Blessed with a tropical climate and around 18,000 islands, Indonesia is a nation with the second largest biodiversity in the world. The flora of Indonesia reflects an intermingling of Asian, Australian and the native species. This is due to the geography of Indonesia, located between two continents. The archipelago consists of a variety of regions from the tropical rain forests of the northern lowlands and the seasonal forests of the southern lowlands through the hill and mountain vegetation, to sub-alpine shrub vegetation. Having the second longest shoreline in the world, Indonesia also has many regions of swamps and coastal vegetation. Combined together, these all give rise to a huge vegetational biodiversity.

There are about 28,000 species of flowering plants in Indonesia, consisting 2,500 different kinds of orchids, 6,000 traditional medicinal plants used as jamu, 122 species of bamboo, over 350 species of rattan and 400 species of Dipterocarpus, including ebony, sandalwood and teakwood. Indonesia is also home to some unusual species such as carnivorous plants. One exceptional species is known as Rafflesia arnoldi, named after Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles and Dr. Arnold, who discovered the flower in the depths of Bengkulu, southwest Sumatra. This parasitic plant has a large flower, does not produce leaves and grow on a certain liana on the rain forest floor. Another unusual plant is Amorphophallus titanum from Sumatra. Numerous species of insect trapping pitcher plants can also be found in Borneo, Sumatra, and other islands of the Indonesian archipelago.

According to the Conservation International, there are two biodiversity hotspots in Indonesia: Wallacea and Sundaland. The provinces of West Papua and Papua are also extremely biodiverse. Lorentz National Park, located in the province of Papua, was declared a World Heritage Site in 1999 by UNESCO.

Wallacea represents the biogeographical transitional zone between the Sundaland to the west and the Australasian zone to the east. This zone covers of about 338 494 km² land area in total, divided in multiple small islands. Due to its distinct and varied geography this region contains many endemic and unique species of flora and fauna and has been divided into a number of distinct ecoregions; the mountain and lowland areas of Sulawesi, North Maluku, Buru and Seram in Maluku, the Lesser Sunda Islands (with Sumba a distinct ecoregion in its own right), Timor, and the islands in the Banda Sea.


Sundaland, which is located on the west part of the Indonesian archipelago, holds about 25,000 different species of plants. 15,000 of them are endemic to this region and cannot be found anywhere else. Scyphostegiaceae is a plant family represented by a single species, Scyphostegia borneensis, which is endemic to Borneo. Another 155 species of Dipterocarpus are also endemic to this island. Borneo also has more than 2,000 species of orchids. The forests in Sumatra include more than 100 species of Dipterocarpus, nearly a dozen of them are endemic to this island. The island Java has about 270 endemic orchid species.

At least 117 plant genera are endemic in this biodiversity hotspot. 59 of them are found in Borneo and 17 in Sumatra. Unique plants from this region are similar to ones from the Asian continent, mentioning Rafflesia arnoldii, the pitcher plants and Javanese Edelweiss (Anaphalis javanica) as examples.


It is estimated, that there are about 10,000 species of plants in this biodiversity hotspot region. The island of Sulawesi has about 500 endemic plant species. The islands of Moluccas have about 300 endemic plant species and the Lesser Sunda Islands consist of at least 120 endemic plant species. Little is known about the flora of this region. Three of these unique species, Agathis, Pterocarpus indicus, and Eucalyptus deglupta, are mentioned as examples.

West Papua and Papua

The flora of this region has somewhat the influence of the Australian continent. This region contain a continuous transect from snow cap mountains, lowland wetlands to tropical marine environment. This is the perfect place for such a huge number of diverse plant species. It has been estimated that Papua and west Papua may contain from 20,000 to 25,000 species of vascular plants. An astonishing 60-90% of them may be endemic to this region. This region has been poorly explored so the actual number of endemic species is unknown.

Kamis, 14 Februari 2013


Moon Orchid or Anggrek Bulan  is the one of exotic flower from Indonesia. Moon Orchid  is one of Indonesia's national flower called "Puspa Pesona". "Anggrek Bulan" or or "Puspa Pesona" included into the Phalaenopsis species. First time for flower discovered by a Dutch botanistDr. C.L. Blume. In the world have at least 60 kinds (species) of Phalaenopsis, with about 140 varieties of which there are 60 varieties Moon Orchid in Indonesia.

Moon orchid is widespread ranging from Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua new guinea, to Australia. The way of life Moon orchid as an Epiphytewith a stick on the trunk or branches of trees in tropical forests.  The moluccas is the first discovered for moon orchid  in Indonesia. Moon orchid has several regional names such as "Anggrek Menur (Java)", "Anggrek Wulan" (Java and Bali) and "Anggrek Terbang" (Maluku) .

The Government of Indonesian Republic to set the orchid flower charm accompanied Jasmine and a giant lotus (flower rare)  by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia number 4 Year 1993.

Orchid months included in the monopodial orchid plants that enjoy a little sun to support life. Moon orchid leaves are green with elongated shape. Moon orchid roots are white and round and elongated fleshy feel. The flowers have a slight fragrance and have long bloom time and can grow up to 10 cm in diameter.

Moon orchid have wide petals and graceful, includes an easy to care for orchid plants and diligent flowering. All flower of the flower is  growing from the stem from the bottom.

With proper care of orchids in highly resistant and not easily fade. From the flower stems have fallen flowers, fresh flowers can grow new branches. As indoor house plants, Moon orchids is very charming nature make fresh room .

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

National Flower of Indonesia

For a pretty long span of time there was no national flower in Indonesian commoner dictionary, but the 5th June 1990 changed the history and made another record for one country having three national flowers. Yes, it was the day when to honor the world environment day, the government of Indonesia officially declared Moon Orchid (Phalaenopsis Amabilis), Melati (Jasminum Sambac) and Rafflesia (Rafflesia Arnoldi Indonesia), as the national flowers of the country.

Each of the flowers is blessed with its own qualities-The Moon Orchid is one of the longest blooming orchids, where as Jasminum Sambac which symbolizes the beauty of a girl, is commonly used in religious or cultural ceremony especially in Java and Bali and on the other hand Rafflesia is noted for producing the largest individual flower on earth.

Other Native and Popular Flowers of Indonesia

The vegetation found in Indonesia is typical of the tropics. There are approximately 40,000 species of flowering plants, including 5,000 species of orchids. Among the most notable native plants is the Rafflesia Arnoldi. while some other popular flowers grown on the land are Gladiolus, Chrysanthemum, Aster, Gerbera, Dahlia, Anthurium, Polyanthus tuberose, Lilies, Rose, Lavenders, Eucalyptus deglupta and Amorphophallus titanum

Giving flowers to express greetings is very common in Indonesia and in order to build respect and love for the Indonesian flora and fauna, the government has declared November 5th as the national love flora and fauna day.

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Black Orchid

Black orchid is one orchid species are protected in Indonesia as endangered in their natural habitat. Black orchid which in Latin is calledCoelogyne pandurata afloral identity(mascot) East Kalimantan province. The population of black orchid (Coelogyne pandurata ) in the original habitat (wild) are increasingly rare and has decreased quite dramatically due to the shrinking of forest area and hunting to be sold to the collector of orchids.

Black orchid ( Coelogyne pandurata ), as the name implies, has the characteristic of interest which has a tongue ( labellum ) is black. This rare orchid in English referred to as " Black Orchid ". While in East Kalimantan, which is a rare black orchid has a local name " Kersik Luai ".

Although synonymous with the black orchid species of orchids of Borneo but other than in wild forests of Borneo also grows wild in Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia and Mindanao, the island of Luzon and Samar Island Philippines.

The characteristics Angrrek Black . This orchid species orchid called black because it has a tongue(labellum) are black with little green stripes and fluffy.The number of flowers in each cluster between 1 to 14 petals or more. The center line of each flower about 10 cm. The leaves are oblong-shaped petals, tapering, light green colored, long 5-6 cm, a width of 2 -3 cm. Melancip lancet-shaped corolla pale green lips resembling a violin, the middle there is one groove, crimp edges, colored jet black or dark brown.

Black orchid oval-shaped leaves are green with a length ranging between 40-50 cm and a width of between 2 -10 cm. While the fruit elliptic black orchid with a length of about 7 cm and a width of between 2-3 cm. From the overall interest is not much to be fruit.

Other black orchid hallmark that differentiates it from other types of orchids are fragrant odor. The plant usually blooms in March to June. Black orchid as orchids in general, grow ride on other plants ( epiphytes). This rare orchid usually stick to the old trees that live in coastal areas or swamps.

Black orchid ( Coelogyne pandurata ) grow in the shade.Generally fauna species of orchids into the identity of East Kalimantan is grown in lowland the old trees, near the beach or in a swamp area is quite hot lowlands and near streams in moist forests.

Plants are epiphytes (stays in other plants) is to multiply by seed. But the black orchid can also be propagated by separating the quasi bulbs.

The population of black orchid ( Coelogyne pandurata ) in wild habitat is increasingly rare. Although, according to Regulation No. 7 of 1999 orchids are protected and may not be traded freely (except bred in captivity), but hunting is done to take and sell the type of orchid to orchid collectors did not subside.

In addition, starting the shift functions of forests for plantations and settlements as well as the occurrence offorest fires that occur each year are increasingly making black orchid populations in the wild are threatened by extinction.

Perhaps connoisseurs and collectors of orchids before buying black orchid must be careful, if the black orchid that bought it bred in captivity or the hunting of the wild. Although many orchid lovers who collected the black orchid, but the extinction of this species in the wild remains a big loss for biodeversity Indonesia. Do not let the orchid lovers became the main cause of the extinction of the black orchid in the wild.

Scientific classification: Kingdom: Plantae; Division: Magnoliophyta; Class: Liliopsida; Order: Asparagales;Family: Orchidaceae; Genus: Coelogyne; Species:Coelogyne pandurata ; Binomial name: Coelogyne pandurata

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Daun Jinten (Mexican Mint)

Daun Jinten  The leaves have also had many traditional medicinal uses, especially for the treatment of coughs, sore throats and nasal congestion, but also for a range of other problems such as infections, rheumatism and flatulence.

The leaves are strongly flavoured and make an excellent addition to stuffings for meat and poultry. and used to flavour meat dishes, especially beef, lamb and game. Such use as a flavouring and its geographic spread is indicated by some of the common names, and documented for Cambodia and South Africa It is also used as a vegetable, for example in South East Asia.The herb is used as a substitute for oregano in the food trade and food labelled "oregano-flavour" may well contain this herb.

Many traditional medicinal using Mexican mint, especially for the treatment of coughs, sore throats and nasal congestion, but also for a range of other problems such as infections, rheumatism and flatulence. The plant is cultivated in home-gardens throughout India for use in traditional medicine, being used to treat malarial fever, hepatopathy, renal and vesical calculi, cough, chronic asthma, hiccup, bronchitis, helminthiasis, colic, convulsions, and epilepsy, Shenoy and others refer to further Indian traditional medicinal uses such as for skin ulcerations, scorpion bite, skin allergy, wounds, diarrhoea, with emphasis on the leaves being used as a hepatoprotective, to promote liver health.

In Indonesia Mexican mint is a traditional food used in soup to stimulate lactation for the month or so following childbirth. In Cambodia 2 uses are recorded: juice from the leaves is sweetened and then given to children as protection from colds; and leaves are applied to the lips. In Bahia, Brasil, people use the plant to treat skin lesions caused by Leishmania braziliensis. Just to the north, in Paraiba of the same country, the plant was extremely commonly known for use in home medication. As noted above, medicinal use also occurs in Southern India, it also documente  in other parts of South East Asia and South Africa.Other uses include as an ornamental, and for its essential oils.