Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Cempaka Rough Woods

Cempaka rough woods, typical flora West Sulawesi

Kidnesia.com It turned out good for carving wood and building materials not Cuma teak, forest cempaka rough was equally good. Flora called latin Elmerrillia ovalis flora is typical of West Sulawesi. The craftsmen of wood carving Toraja very fond of plants that have a Latin name another Elmerrillia ovalis (Miq.) Dandy, Elmerrillia vrieseana (Miq.) Dandy, Magnolia ovalis (Miq.) Figlar, Talauma ovalis Miq., And Talauma vrieseana Miq.

Cempaka rugged forests can grow to as high as 45 meters and diameter of the base of the main stem about 2 meters. The trunk is straight, cylindrical, light brown, and in certain parts no peeling bark.

The leaves are manifold single leaf. This is because each stalk leaves only support one leaves alone. Leaves cempaka rugged forests composed of leaf blade and petiole. Short leaf stalk is in the base of the leaf. Oval shape of its leaves. The underside of the leaves are fine hairs evenly. Bone leaves a rough forest cempaka has pinnate structure. The base of the leaves of this plant are not bertoreh.

Flowers cempaka rugged forest at a glance like frangipani. Crown color yellow or white flowers with petals that are usually an odd number. Tool breeding in the crowns of flowers. The fruit is oval-shaped with four seeds in each fruit. This plant breeding generative seed.

Frangipani tree forests used to living rough on the ground with an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. The plant can also live in the tropical forests. Its natural habitat is lying areas with enough water supply. Spreading region covering Sulawesi and Maluku. Plants are still closely with this yellow frangipani, not including rare plants. These plants are still quite a lot in the area of ​​origin, Sulawesi and Maluku.

With still pretty much sum cempaka rugged forests, flora typical of West Sulawesi is a favorite of the craftsmen carving and buildings in Toraja.

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