Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

Kantil ( cempaka putih )

Kantil (Cempaka Putih) is a plant that has white flowers and fragrant with trees up to 30 meters high.Magnolia flowers that have a Latin name Michelia albaand is still closely related to interest JEUMPA (cempaka yellow) This is a typical plant ( fauna identity ) Central Java province.

Myths that developed in the community, the scent of magnolia flowers typical highly favored by kuntilanak, a kind of refined makhlus female. Kuntilanak, according to this myth, often makes the magnolia tree (white frangipani) as the house where he lived. Apart from these myths, magnolia has a tradition of strong value for the Java community, especially in Central Java in both the mating and death.

Magnolia plant has several local names in the various regions in Indonesia. Local names include the following cempaka white, magnolia (Java), cempaka bodas(Sunda), Campaka (Madura), JEUMPA Gadeng (Aceh),Campaka putieh (Minangkabau), Sampaka mopusi(Mongondow), interest misspelled kebo (Makassar) ,flowers misspelled mapute (Bugis), capaka bobudo(Ternate), capaka bobulo (Tidore).

In English, the fauna of Central Java identity is calledWhite champaca . In the Philippines plant is known asTsampakang puti . In the language of scientific (Latin) magnolia flower called Michelia alba synonymous withMichelia longifolia (Blume).

Traits. Trees have a magnolia that are capable of reaching 30 meters and has a woody stem. In the branches white cempaka usually covered with fine hairs grayish.

Leaf magnolia (cempaka white) single oval and green .Petiole rather long, reaching almost half the length of the leaves. Magnolia ( Michelia alba ) has white flowers that have a distinctive fragrance. Plants are mythologized as the home kuntilanak is uncommon to have fruit because it is done vegetative propagation.

Habitat and Distribution. Trees magnolia (cempaka white) spread from the Asian mainland to the tropical islands in the Pacific region. In Indonesia, this plant floral identity of Central Java province have spread to almost all parts of Indonesia.

Magnolia plant habitats include tropical areas in the lowlands to an altitude of 1,600 meters above sea level.

Benefits and Uses. Flowers Kantil have strong traditional values for the Java community, especially in Central Java. Flowers Kantil much in use at the marriage ceremony is mainly for decoration bun and a dagger. In addition magnolia flowers are also used at funerals and sow flowers (nyekar).

In the Java language, meaning magnolia flower hanging just like this. Flowers Kantil have ritual significance 'kemantilkantil' which means always remember wherever they are and always have a close relationship despite the different nature.

Medically, flower, stem, leaf magnolia ( Michelia alba ) contains alkaloids mikelarbina and liriodenina which have properties as an expectorant and diuretic . Because the content is dipunyainya, magnolia believed to be an alternative medicine for various diseases such as bronchitis, cough, fever, vaginal discharge, inflammation, prostate, urinary tract infection, and difficult urination.

Unfortunately, the efficacy of which is owned by the white flowers of this unexplored cempaka optimally. So that even now starting to anyone trying to cultivate these plants but its utility as much for spiritual events and traditions.

Listening medical myths and content of the accompanying fauna identity of Central Java province, now depends on each of us. Is it trust this plant as a home kuntilanak or even be aware of medical efficacy as an alternative medicine that is very useful.

Scientific classification . Kingdom: Plantae; Division: Magnoliophyta; Class: Magnoliopsida; Order: magnoliales; Family: Magnoliaceae; Genus: Michelia;Species: Michelia alba . Latin name: Michelia alba .Synonyms: Michelia longifolia (Blume). Indonesia Name: Kantil, Cempaka Putih.

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